Monday, August 22, 2005


Looking through other blogs I was struck by how many have political viewpoints on the national level, but not at the city level. I am not affiliated with any political party, I vote for what seems right and I am dismayed by some of the choices we have to make. The City Commission needs an overhaul. I can honestly tell you right now I don't know much about the candidates but I would vote for about anyone to get the current commissioners/Mayor out.
I would also like to know how the Staff is chosen, or hired or whatever?

2 Old Comments:

I think if you look at my weblog, you'll find much more focus on local government. The same goes for Treasure State Judaism.


By Blogger GeeGuy, at 10:13 PM  

I have been looking, in fact I wish I had seen your opinions months ago. The entire sign code made me rather bitter.

By Blogger a-fire-fly, at 10:00 AM