Wednesday, March 07, 2007


When asked "Why was ECPI started?", Mrs. Balzarini replied, "To represent the City in SME"

On November 1, 2005, the City Commission adopted Ordinance 2925 which restructured Electric City Power as a non-profit organization. The Official Codes of the City Great Falls (OCCGF) 5.20.040 states that the City Commission shall approve the articles of incorporation and the bylaws by resolution. Resolutions 9529 and 9530 were submitted to the Commission.

The non-profit corporation would secure and provide reliable, long-term supplies of electricity to the City, its residents and electric consumers. The proposed ordinance identified and defined the duties and obligations conveyed to the non-profit Board as well as the duties and obligations retained by the City Commission. It included items such as the purpose, powers, rules of operation, and tax-exempt obligations of the non-profit corporation and its board.

"the City of Great Falls does hereby establish an electric utility to construct, operate and maintain electric facilities in, along, across, under, or over City property: and to market or otherwise provide electric services to consumers."

The non-profit corporation would operate for the primary purpose of securing and providing reliable, long-term supplies of electricity to the City, its residents and electric consumers.

5.20.050 Purpose of the Corporation.
The Corporation shall operate for the primary purpose of securing and providing reliable, long-term supplies of electricity to the City, its residents and electric consumers.

Pardon me for being a bit slow, but in all that jumble up there, NOT ONCE does it say "to represent the City in SME."

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