Tuesday, November 29, 2005

So far no good.

What a day. Forgot to dry the last load of laundry I did last night, so the boy only had two pairs of jeans to chose from- one he Will Not wear, and one he has outgrown in the last week. Damn. The girl hates wearing socks, and would in fact wear her flip flops today if I would let her. Then the other half calls - he is being sent to Placid Lake (up by Seeley Lake) for three days! Yeah, lets wait till the roads suck! Does this guy really need plumbing RIGHT NOW? It is a vacation cabin! There are winter storm warnings in Lincoln and Seeley till about - oh, spring! Damn. I have to provide my own nighttime heat for at least two nights. Damn, damn! However, GeeGuy has a humorous link, however socially incorrect, it is still funny! I am not working today, the kids don't care if I clean the house, I get to cook something the Other Half doesn't like for dinner, and spend the day doing nothing untill I cannot stand myself. So it is getting a little better. I will imagine David doing a snow dance to the tune of Charlie Brown to amuse myself.

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