Friday, September 29, 2006

Well I asked,

and some of you answered. I appreciate all the responses to my last post.
I don't think we expect our leaders to be lily white, we expect them to hold our values, and Live by them. I would hazard a guess that often it is some form of the media that really gets the public in an uproar about the actions of those in power. Because that is how the general public gets information.
Is blogging a form of the media?
I know for a fact that someone from the Great Falls Tribune has been reading here... from some of the comments on GeeGuys site, I believe there are many people that have knowedge of some of the more, ah, unsavory aspects of certain politics in our little town. But I did not know.
I am disapointed.
If I didn't blog I would not know what I know now.

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