Thursday, March 08, 2007

So, I’m going

to pick on the people on the Tribune forums. If anyone comes over and has a problem with that, Please, defend what you said, this is an opportunity to share you opinions.

“The last issue is on the right to vote on this issue. There is NO right to vote on this issue. We are a nation that uses representatives, elected by the people to make decisions for us. This keeps us from becoming a nation of mob rule. Our elected representative follow the laws that determine when and how the people vote on issues. The present issue does not allow a vote. Which is a good thing.”

There was a right to vote on this issue. It was taken away, by the City. How in hell, with all the controversy going on, is that a good thing?

“It does not matter whether 80 or a million turned out to protest, the law is there to protect is from a mob. What happens if a mob were allowed to force a vote that affected your rights? This is why we have laws.”

Change the word mob to citizens.
How’s that for ya. Those people down there protesting are the people that care enough to do something. You may not approve, or agree, but those are the kind of people, doing the same things that started the free country you live in, that gave you the right to vote, and assemble, equal rights and civil rights and all those things you claim to support while you sit there in judgment of those that do not agree with you.

“There are people who have much at stake here...for some it is pride..for others control....I cant think of a single group that has more at stake than the poor.”

What in hell do the poor have to do with this? Is FedEx “the Poor?” General Mills, Meadowgold, the Refinery, Benefis, Do they need help paying their electric bills?

“Putting this to a vote is a childish soultion to a serious matter and a weak-kneed approach to Democracy. You're obviously a liberal.”

Voting is a childish solution? You just pissed off every American bone in my body. Go to some other country. Or just %*&# off. Please.

“We elect our commissioners to represent us. We need to give them our input and them let them make the decision. If you don't agree with their decison, then you can vote them out of office.”

And how will voting them out help the current situation? It will be too late to do anything.

“You make the same basic mistake that so many do: The city is a minority partner in the project. You grossly overstate the city's stake. Seventy-five percent of the plant is being put up by co-ops. Are you saying the co-ops are poorly managed and run by a bunch of bunglers?”

Are you saying that the City of Great Falls stake of 130 to 180 million dollars is chump change? I do not give a crap what kind of partner the city is. I want to know what they are doing with that kind of money, and who is going to be responsible for it IF something does not work out as planned. . am I saying the co-ops are poorly managed and run by a bunch of bunglers? No. Am I saying that the City of Great Falls is poorly managed and run by… well you get the picture.

Perhaps the environmental concerns are getting most of the attention, but people have the right to voice opinions. I happen to believe there are environmental concerns. I doubt they are significant enough to stop the plant. I can live with that.

However, regardless of that, there are, obviously, other concerns. One of the biggest concerns is still developing, and really, has nothing to do with the Coal Plant except as the basis for the question.

You'll note that most of the topics covered above are more significant for people's rights and governmental issues than for debate over a coal plant.

Is our democratic, representative, by the people for the people, form of government going to continue to refuse to disclose public information when the Public asks for it?

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