Another WalMart?
Just what we need. Maybe they could just cut the one we have in half and move part of it across town. One of the reasons I hate shopping there is all the people seem to lose any courtesy they had when they come in the doors. And what's with stopping in the middle of the aisle to talk to the Long lost friend-other people still want to get past. Move the blasted cart! Another example of people losing all decorum when they enter a crowded area. I took my kids to a Halloween party put on by a local church. Fun and games, prizes, lots of candy and short people. SHORT PEOPLE trying to have a good time. That means look Down and don't trip on SHORT PEOPLE!!!! I ended up carrying my daughter around all evening because she is SHORT and gets a bit afraid when she can't see anything and is surrounded by tall people not paying attention to where they are going. She did have fun. Mom wore the wrong shoes, moderate heel which still puts me at almost 6' tall, so I can see over all the munchkins but they pinch the toe a bit. Just what you all wanted to know, right!
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