Friday, November 04, 2005

Gee, Sorry

I have not abandoned the blogging community. Just figured I would get my news from the Tribune for a while, since It is a Pulitzer Prize Winning publication, impartial, honest, unbiased
and chock full of the things that interest me. O.K., stop sputtering, I'm just kidding. But really, what would it take to get a real paper. I perused a copy of the Leaderless. Information us radicals probably all know, but the lady that gave it to me was in shock. (Another member of the informed public that reads the prize winning paper.) Didn't care for Mr. G. blowing it off as Poor Richard type propaganda. I believe in what this country was built on, people who wanted change, freedom from oppression, no taxation without representation, etc. Huh, sounds like city gov't. I resent that People in Power seem to think they are the only ones who can do anything. Politicians need to get shaken up every so often.

Anyway, I have been working, first time in two years. Well, except for washing dishes, cleaning house, cooking, running errands, kid to school, from school, laundry, homework.....
I left my job Oct 31 2003, to stay home with the youngest child. She starts school next fall, I have a wonderful babysitter (daycares are germ factorys, and a big expensive part of the stay home decision) and I am tired of being poor, so I am giving small business owner/part time employee a try. So far so good, but I am having to readjust my time schedules and blogging has lost out to QuickBooks and CorelDraw on the computer time. I have been checking up on you guys. But I love sleep and some of you get up awful early to post!

3 Old Comments:

She's back! I know what you mean about the Leaderless. Why won't the Tribune print that stuff? And then it gets dismissed. It only shows how out of touch our Commissioners are...people are eating this stuff up!

Good luck on your re-entry into the workforce. You mentioned self-employment. Remember, I'm a lawyer, so feel free to email me if you need any help.

Find the time to write! :)

By Blogger GeeGuy, at 12:22 AM  

She's alive! Poor? In Montana? Surely you jest!

By Blogger KarbonKountyMoos, at 8:30 AM  

Welcome back! Best wishes on the cash-flow front!

By Blogger david, at 9:46 PM