Monday, July 03, 2006

On a lazy Sunday afternoon I am watching golf.
Its speed and excitement level match mine. I want to go play that stupid game. Not today, it’s too damn hot. But someday soon.
I haven’t posted much lately, and I blame it all on my internet. That will change soon, and I will have to find something else to blame.
I see some of you are still perusing that photo down there. This post is going to push it off the edge, into the cold, murky depths of the archives where all old posts inevitably end up, longing for some one to stop by and give them just a moments attention.
Almost time to go blow stuff up! My Other Half says I have an obsession. A compulsion. An addiction. I love fireworks. Hey, Justin, can I borrow a plane? Lets pack it full of fireworks and send it up. Might need to modify some fuses, to gain enough altitude. That could be cool. I have glow in the dark vinyl, we could add some graphics, to track it more easily - until the payload blows it into tiny little bits! Yeah, lets do it!

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