Saturday, April 29, 2006

Trains going by...

So I am sitting at the RR crossing watching the train go by. It lets out that ear shattering noise, the wheels grinding, metal on metal, the ground vibrating from the massive weight rumbling across it. I look at the grafitti, wondering who Desiree is, and why the guy who loves her chose to spray paint it on a train car traveling to far off places. Thinking of the places those cars received their anonymous art, whose hands created, whose minds envisioned, what their lives are like. The wanderlust awakens, and I dream of jumping the ties that bind, embarking on a journey with no clear destination, no concerns of bills and dishes, and when I must be where. Spending the night wherever I end up, in a town where I know no one and have never been before. New experiences just around the corner, yesterdays falling like autum leaves caught by the wind and tumbled to the wayside. The last car passes, the barriers come up and I drive back into today, still wondering about Desiree.
Trains are cool.

2 Old Comments:

Yup, very cool :)

By Blogger ZenPanda, at 11:41 PM  

Trains are cool - but I don't want to be a hobo anymore.

By Blogger KarbonKountyMoos, at 1:08 PM